Kudos: Accolades for LinkScan & Elsop
"I was pleased to give you the business, because your software does what I need. There's lots of link-checking code out there, most of which is seriously lacking something -- which you well know. Your product saved me a lot of time at a reasonable cost: either I was going to have to write something or I was going to rip *all* my hair out as I moved *and* restructured a 2500-file website whose contributors had committed all the "no-no's" I asked them not to, along with some I hadn't even thought of. But with your software, which ripped through the site quickly, and judicious use of regular expressions and some Perl toys, the iterative process of finding and fixing broken links, orphans, etc. -- my first try produced a 74-page single-spaced error report -- well, getting the new site ready to go was (almost) enjoyable. Walter Pienciak, IEEE Standards Division of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
*** Brilliant ***
I now have linkscan 2.0b up and running and it is going through the site like greased lightning. I'm going to spend a few days 'playing' with the product to see if it does everything I want (or if I can break it :-). Julian Tandy, Intranet Consultant, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
"On a Unix system, I've found linkscan to be the absolute best. I tried most of the PC based mappers and found them all wanting for webmasters maintaining multiple virtual servers for large numbers of web document maintainers." Ron Emaus, GLIN Information Systems Support, Great Lakes Information Network
"An enthusiastic thumbs up for the LinkScan SiteMap format! I never thought I'd see the day when someone uses the term 'map' and actually backs it up with a simple, straightforward outline that provides a faster way to navigate and scope out Web sites.
I wrote an article about the potential for rapid navigation via the hierarchical outline. Other navigation devices strive to innovate, but fall short of the good old hierarchical outline, which provides a systematic, explicit tree structure.
Congratulations! I hope your LinkScan product does well, and I hope the whole Web provides hierarchical outlines for rapid navigation." Michael Hoffman, Borland International
"Thank you for the e-mail announcing the release of LinkScan2.0. You've produced an *excellent* product - such quality is hard to find. We'll be purchasing 2.0 ASAP.", Stephen Emmott, Webmedia
Comments on: Improved Multi-Site Manager to simplify the testing of partial websites and/or sub-sites.
"*cheer* This is a great feature, we have here a couple of basically independent websites that are glued together due to politics. This makes it much easier to check their sites...
We have approximately 45,000 pages totalling roughly 120,000 links (both internal and external). with linkscan 1.0 total virtual memory usage hit about 350M, with linkscan 2.0 virtual memory usage peaked at 45M and the run time was significantly reduced (sorry no times here, but we are talking about a third as much time...)
Comments on the new linkscan.ign file and the ability to test partial sites/sub-sites.
Yup, give the person that came up with this a big pat on the head. Makes the testing of convolutedly (is that a word?) linked sites with multiple controlling entities (read ``we want a directory on the main webserver'') managable." University of Melbourne
"I'm just working with linkscan - it has a made a perl-believer out of me. I have looked at several link checker-mappers and it best does what I want it to do!...Thanks for the beautiful piece of programming and the help." Large University in the Northwest
"My site is a total MESS. Ye GADS do I have a lot of work to do. Nobody can have more broken links than I do. Believe me. Mine are endless. Where did all those people GO? They WERE there. It's no wonder I'm losing visitors. The program is absolutely wun-der-ful. My site... NOT. My ISP is even going to be jealous. Cuz Fancy THEM don't even have anything like that. :) How much do I owe you and where do I send my money? Best thing I ever saw." Linda Peck, LHP2 Studio
Applause for Elsop Customer Support
"I just would like to say that your online support, from a fellow named Malcom Hoar I think, was excellent. The answers to my questions were quick and informative. Very impressive!...You guys give tech support a good name (don't let Bill Gates find out about this).(:-)." Michael Witten, Georgia State University
"I would like to mention the prompt reply from your support staff. They answered all of my questions in a timely (and friendly) manner... I would like to mention a few points. One, your web site is GREAT! Two, the deciding factors in my recommendation to use your product were soley driven on the ability to create Site and Tap maps!" Brett Bentley, Information Engineering
All comments published with the authors permission.