LinkScan Version 3.1 Introduced by Elsop

Gardnerville, NV, August 7, 1997 - Electronic Software Publishing Corporation (Elsop) introduces a number of new features in LinkScan version 3.1 that greatly enhance its power and flexibility for checking very large internet and intranet websites. The following enhancements have been incorporated in LinkScan version 3.1:

Added the ability to check hyperlinks embedded within Adobe Acrobat PDF files. This feature is particularly important to websites that provide technical manuals and other support resources on their intranet and/or internet sites.

Enhanced the TapMap to enable users to create hyperlinks from their static html documents to a TapMap such that the TapMap report will be displayed at the appropriate level and position in respect to the page from which it is accessed. The dynamic access to the Tapmap can be accomplished with a CGI or SSI reference on a page. This feature allows the user to provide a navigation tool wherein the TapMap is brought up with the current page as the central starting point.

The LinkScan Configurator automatically updates the "#!/usr/local/bin/perl" headers in all of the LinkScan executable files which simplifies the installation.

Added a case-sensitive search option to the LinkScan History Report that provides a more precise selection of specific URLs.

Added new Hidelinkprefix option to linkscan.cfg that provides additional customization to LinkScan reports.

LinkScan now checks tags in documents that are defined as 'NoFollow'.

Don't get caught with your links down

Our studies show that most websites have major problems. These include up to 30% of the external links being broken along with missing files and orphaned pages. Why? Because it's just too time consuming and difficult to quality assure a large website manually and other programs have been too slow and cumbersome to use.

The solution is to use a powerful automatic link validator to test every link on your website. LinkScan is the answer. It is the most thorough and fastest quality assuarance tool available for this task. LinkScan is essential to a professionally managed web site. It's also easy to use because it sets up all directories and permissions and builds your configuation file automatically. Most first time users have LinkScan installed and running in minutes.

Designed to work on both internet and intranet servers, LinkScan can test over 40,000 links per hour because it is the only link checker that uses multi-threaded simultaneous processing. Linkscan has successfully worked on websites with over 80,000 pages and more than 50,000 external links making it the pre-eminent tool for intranets.

LinkScan also produces two revolutionary types of maps of websites. LinkScan's SiteMap enables the user to produce a site map that includes every link on a website arranged in a hierarchical format that resembles a book's table of contents. LinkScan's TapMap is an expandable and collapsible site map that allows viewers to tap down through the various and multiple levels of a website to quickly and easily navigate and explore the website by tapping on a few control icons.

LinkScan is being used by such large and diverse organizations as Hewlett-Packard, NEC, Sun Microsystems, the University of Cambridge (UK), the United States Department of Defense, the Vancouver Public Library (Canada), the California Institute of Technology, Australia's Commonwealth Department of the Environment, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Webmedia (UK), Brown University and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

The message to Webmasters is: "Don't get caught with your links down. Don't let your visitors think your site sucks! You can now identify and fix those problems today." LinkScan automatically validates the links on a web site with the following powerful capabilities: